Much like our infants and toddlers, active learning is encouraged with these age groups as well.

The environment in our preschool is child-centered. Caregivers initiate ideas and allow children to create their own learning experiences based on what they already know and what they want to learn. We desire to provide children with the most enjoyable and productive preschool education. This is accomplished through:

  • Introduction of a letter, number, word, color, theme, concept and skill each week.
  • Beginning reading skills: upper and lowercase experiences, phonics, sight words, word walls, sentence structure.
  • Emergent writing skills: scribbling, drawing.
  • Continued development of small muscles: beginner use of scissors.
  • Concepts of print introduction: how to open a book, where to start reading, left to right progression, use of capital letters, author, illustrator, letters in words, words in sentences, and sentence structure.
  • Books: children will be read to frequently throughout each day in order to expand their knowledge on our themes. A variety of reading materials will be used (fantasy, factual, multicultural, diverse ability, poetry). Additionally, books will be accessible at all times for children to read at their leisure.

Our Approach

Character Education
Character Education is more important today than ever. One of the greatest gifts that we can provide the children in our care is a strong sense of personal values. Good character is something that will instill in the children attending Growing Room a desire to become successful adults able to make a positive contribution to our society. Character Education is instruction which includes teaching concepts covering basic human values such as integrity, respect, responsibility, caring, fairness, citizenship and more.

During each theme, several items that each child completes are labeled, dated, and stored in his or her portfolio. In this way, the teacher can monitor each child’s progress and share this with parents during our parent/teacher conferences held twice each year. At the end of the year, parents can also take the portfolio home as another keepsake.

Stimulating Learning Activities

  • Science: natural items, magnifying glasses, scales, magnets, color viewers, thermometers, living items (plants, class pet, feeders to attract birds).
  • Math: manipulatives are available to foster discovery of size, shape and color. Math activities will begin developing such concepts as rote counting, one to one correspondence, comparison of amounts and sizes, classification, sorting, grouping, matching, sequencing, ordering, volume, dimensions and time.
  • Creative expression: dramatic play center, art center, block center, music and movement, puppets, flannel board stories.
  • Continued development of large muscles: climbing, hopping, skipping, galloping, marching, riding toys with and without pedals, push-pull toys, sliding, manipulating balls, and swinging.
  • Social and personal skills: Playing cooperatively with others, taking turns, listening and expressing ideas, stating their name, age and address, demonstrating self help skills, showing confidence, controlling behavior, and demonstrating pride in their work.